Latest news & updates
Supporting refugees through the local church
Poppy and Tommy reflect on helping to lead a ministry supporting refugees through their local church…
Pursuing justice and practicing lament
Jessica reflects on practicing lament whilst supporting displaced people…
Pursuing justice in the way of Jesus
Rhosanna, the new Co-Head of the Just Love Network, shares her story…
The Challenge of Political Discipleship (Part Two)
In the second of two blogs, Josh shares some starting points for how to holistically, healthily, and sustainably engage in politics as followers of Jesus.
The Challenge of Political Discipleship
In the first of two blogs, Josh reflects on the need for a holistic, healthy and sustainable approach towards political discipleship.
Changing Structures: Pursuing justice in politics and community organising
Davina shares about pursuing justice in the way of Jesus, through working as an MP assistant and community organiser
Helping the Church to Bank Well
Sam, part of the Bank Well campaign, shares his story of helping his local church to switch banks
More for the Just Love Network in Scotland
Kathryn Ritchie, our new Scotland Network Coordinator, shares about her journey to her role at Just Love and her passion to build more for the Just Love Network in Scotland.