Our Impact
Since we began 9 years ago, Just Love students have run over 6,250 events, with an aggregate attendance of over 73,000 students. They’ve raised over £170,000 for other charities and given more than 36,000 volunteer hours in local communities.
What we do, and why
Our strategy to grow a Network of thousands pursuing justice in the way of Jesus.
In 2018-19 alone, our groups ran over 1,000 events, with an aggregate attendance of 10,500 students, gave 6,500 volunteer hours in local communities, and raised over £24,000 for other charities.
Students have volunteered in their local communities, doing everything from homeless outreaches to teaching English to refugees, from youth mentoring to collections for foodbanks.
They’ve run 24-hour long anti-slavery demonstrations on their campuses, collecting signatures to petitioning their universities to ensure slavery-free supply chains and raising money for International Justice Mission.
They’ve campaigned around religious persecution, climate change and Fairtrade.
In their 2016 Giving: Strings Attached campaign, Just Love Durham collected 774,144 individual sanitary products for homeless women across the North East and to Samara's Aid Appeal projects in Iraq and Zambia.
In 2016-17 we ran the Unashamed campaign, raising awareness of sexism and violence against women at universities and equipping Christian students to confront these injustices in all their forms.
The campaign trailer was seen 12,000 times on Facebook, with posts reaching 89,000 people. The campaign was featured by Tearfund, 24-7, and Christian Today.
In 2018, Just Love students in Cambridge helped to launch a refugee scholarship programme providing fully funded places for 10 refugees and asylum seekers. Just Love Students in Durham launched a winter night shelter providing emergency accommodation during the coldest months of winter to those living on the streets.
We’re thrilled about the impact that Just Love has had on our students, and in 2019 we conducted some surveys with our alumni. 97% of those surveyed agreed that they cared more about social justice and had their theological understanding of justice developed as a result of having been involved with Just Love. 89% agreed that Just Love had helped them to develop as a leader, 93% agreed that Just Love had made them more likely to consume ethically and pursue justice in their careers, and 85% agreed that they were more likely to give generously as a result of their involvement with Just Love.
Our Needs Assessment Report
At Just Love, we are always striving to pursue our goal of equipping students to pursue justice in the most effective way. To do that, we need to know what needs we are aiming to meet.
This led us to work with Eido Research, who help Christian organisations measure and improve their impact in society, through impact strategy and research services. Together with Eido, we carried out a needs assessment, asking 184 students questions around justice and both their and the church’s response. This needs assessment is the first step in an ongoing project to help inform our strategy as an organisation.
Neil, Cambridge —
“My involvement in Just Love has completely changed the course of my life. It's opened my eyes to just how BIG Jesus is, and how all-encompassing His mission to the world is. It's helped me realise that social justice isn't an optional extra, but an integral part of Christian discipleship.”

Read our story so far
For more on how Just Love has been inspiring a generation pursue justice at univeristy and beyond.