Our training events are a vessel for Just Love’s vision.
They fuel, inspire, equip, release and ensure development in core skills. The events we run exist to equip students with all they need to lead a passionate, impactful and sustained pursuit of justice. Our teaching focuses on theology, leadership and how we can make an impact. The events also provide space for committees to get to know one another and to connect with other Just Love groups, forming deep-rooted and long lasting friendships and connections across the nation.
Student Training
Training schedule
We run training events at two key points in the year: Easter and Autumn.
If we can train the student leaders to be highly proficient in the core skills, they will be well placed to deliver Just Love’s vision in their city.
Our training events exist to ensure that each cohort of student leaders are the most emotionally healthy, passionate, informed and effective leaders they can be, both as teams and individuals.
Just Love Easter Training (JLET) functions as a foundation-laying training. It is an introduction to Just Love and teaches our students the core things they need to run a Just Love group with impact.
Just Love Autumn Training (JLAT) adds depth, expanding on the foundations of JLET; and adds breadth through introducing new themes of justice, theology, leadership and impact. JLAT is about adding understanding where there is none, depth where there is understanding, and application to both.
The impact