Releasing Just Love's potential.
A high-impact incubator aimed at releasing new campaigns, projects, and collaborations from the Just Love Network. Find out more here.
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Good ideas change the world - but only when the right people get hold of them and put them into practice.
Catalyst is all about identifying good ideas from the Just Love Network - those already bubbling away, and those that haven't yet surfaced - and turning them into serious, sustainable and hard-hitting justice projects.
These might be political campaigns, missional communities, or creative collectives. They could be social enterprises, podcast platforms, or networking databases. They might be small interventions we can achieve in 3 months, or large-scale interventions we build over 3 decades. Either way, the purpose is to bring together people, prayer, ideas, and resources, and see what happens.
What to Expect
With hundreds of people working on dozens of crucial issues all over the world, the Just Love Network is well-positioned to release major change in society.
What would it look like to fully release that potential?
This first event will focus on:
Bringing together people with interesting ideas, skills and perspectives
Building relationships
Going "from good to great" on 1-2 existing projects and ideas
Brainstorming, creative thinking and problem-solving: where is the Just Love Network well-placed to make major
Identifying major avenues for collaboration with other justice spaces
We are looking for 25-40 people with a diverse range of skills, gifts and experiences. Sign up below to receive a full application form, or click here to find out more.
Find out more about the Just Love Network.