Devotion to Jesus

This is our first and central value – all the others flow from it. We care about justice because we love Jesus, and we care about the things he loves. Jesus’ life and teaching, death and resurrection set the pattern for our pursuit of justice and the way that we do it. We are committed to the journey of following Jesus and becoming more like Jesus together.


Doing Justice well

We want to love people well, and that means going beyond good intentions in our pursuit of justice. We want to think deeply and critically about our pursuit of justice, seeking out and learning from those with greater expertise and experience than we have. 

We care deeply about the quality, impact, and sustainability of all that we do. When we decide what issues to focus on we prayerfully consider how we can best serve those in greatest need in our world. 

But we never want our pursuit of justice to become abstract or impersonal. We want to be biased towards action – doing justice well, not just talking about justice well. We won’t always get it right, but our desire is to learn and to serve others well. 


Building deep relationships

Restored relationships are at the centre of the gospel. In a culture of tribalism, we therefore seek to celebrate the relationships that God has gifted us with. Without exception, we want to treat everyone with generosity, dignity and kindness. We also recognise that we are only one small part of God’s mission in the world, and so we are committed to building excellent, mutual relationships across the global body of Christ, celebrating all of its diversity.


Raising life-long leaders

We want to form leaders of integrity, courage, compassion and resilience – leaders who lead like Jesus. We want our student groups to be spaces of incubation – forming leaders of the future and equipping them with the skills to seek Jesus and justice faithfully for the rest of their lives. 

We keep a long-term perspective because it’s in decades to come that the real impact of Just Love will be seen.

We believe that growing leaders grow other leaders. At every level of Just Love, we always want to be thinking about how to identify, empower and invest in other leaders around us so that they can be better than we ever could be.


Embracing truth and humility

In a culture where truth is increasingly contested, we care deeply about what is true, biblical and Christlike. But at the same time we want to be humble about our limited capacity to fully grasp all truth this side of new creation. We therefore welcome nuance as we engage with the complexities of injustice. We want to seek out challenge and make space for disagreement and dialogue. We always assume that we have more to learn and seek to understand before trying to be understood.