Political Discipleship & Changing Structures

Gas Street St Luke’sBirmingham︱11-12 October

Ever tried to make a difference in the world, and hit a wall?

Was that wall an unjust political system? A structure stacked against those in need? An institution that harms the very people it's meant to serve? Big or small, the systems and structures that govern our world have the power to foster justice and harmony, or discord and despair.

Whether we like it or not, politics matters.

The Just Love National Gathering 2024 hones in on Jesus' call to change structures, one of the Six Justice Practices that we gather around as a Network. Join us in Birmingham this October as we ask how we can become political disciples - agents of healing, change, and innovation at the heart of broken systems.

All are welcome, whether you've been involved in Just Love before or not.

More About the Event

What to Expect

What to Expect

“It felt like coming home.” - National Gathering 2023 Attendee

Every year since 2016, the Just Love Network has gathered to make space for three key things:

  1. Relationship - with friends and networks old and new.

  2. Connection with God - in ecumenical forms of prayer, worship and reflection.

  3. Learning - from experts and each other.

We loved seeing hundreds of you in London last year for Another World Is Possible, our 2023 National Gathering. This year we're coming to Birmingham!

  • A 2023 survey of 200 young adult Christians found that the majority of us are 'interested' or 'active' in politics, but that only 17% of us feel we make a positive difference in this area of life.

    That's compared to 63% of us who feel we make a positive difference in our community, 62% in our workplace, and 54% through our money. The gap is stark.

    We want to change that story. Over two days, we'll be exploring together what it means to live well in a political world, changing structures in the way of Jesus.

    Whilst Christians have been behind some of the worst political injustices in human history, we believe that the gospel offers a radical and beautiful alternative to the status quo. We're gathering this year to explore it.

  • Alongside our time reflecting on political discipleship and changing structures, we'll also be taking time to update you on the first year of Just Love Projects and Just Love Hubs, to gather in Just Love Spheres, and to share key dates and sign-up info for Just Love Retreats, events and online learning opportunities coming up in 2025!

    There'll be lots of time just to hang out and catch up, too, including:

    • Friday social after the main evening meeting.

    • Catered Just Love Network lunch on Saturday afternoon (included in ticket price).

    • Time to grab dinner with others and explore a bit of Birmingham on Saturday evening!

    And just like last year, a set of Just Love partner organisations will also be at the event, sharing excellent resources and impactful opportunities to help you make a difference in the world.

“We are not called simply to bandage the wounds of injustice; we are to drive a spoke through the wheel itself.”

— Dietrich Bonhoeffer


You can find out more about who will be joining us in Birmingham here, or learn more about the structure of the programme below.


18.30 - Doors Open

19.00 - Evening Meeting

— Worship, prayer, and teaching from Natalie Williams (followed by a panel discussion with Natalie Williams, Johnathan Akindutire and Matt Jordan, facilitated by Nina Kurlberg)

21.30 - Social Time & Fun

Programme ends at 10.15pm, doors close at 10.30pm.


09:30 Doors Open

10:00 Morning Meeting:

— Worship, prayer, and teaching from Tom Christmas & Flo Wright on ‘Changing Structures’

11:30 Breakout Workshops: Changing Structures

12:30 Lunch Break (Catered)

14:00 Breakouts:

— With Marvin Rees, Just Money, Green Christians, and Hope Into Action

15:30 Break

16:00 Just Love Updates

17:00 Break (for dinner)

— Please note that this will not be catered, but doors will stay open. Please use as you need - decompress, hang out with friends, get some food.

18:00 Welcome Back

18:15 Main Session:

— Worship, prayer, and teaching from Philip Powell

19:30 Close

20:30 Doors close


We’ve now sold out all tickets for the Just Love National Gathering 2024


  • This event is for anyone connected to, or looking to connect with, the Just Love Network.

    Most people there will be Just Love graduates and other young adults in their 20s and 30s - as well as a bunch of Just Love students and various friends, partners and supporters of the Just Love movement (young and old!).

    People will be coming from up and down the UK, and from the wider world! You don't have to be from Birmingham or the West Midlands to attend this event, but we will have some specific meet-ups and opportunities arranged for you if you're living in this part of the world!

    However, if you're new to Just Love, or haven't been involved for a while, you're 100% welcome to this event. We'd love to see you there.

    Click here to find out more about Just Love or the Just Love Network, or drop a message to network@justloveuk.com to see if this event is for you.

  • As mentioned above, Concession Tickets and Group Tickets start at £20/head, and Concession Tickets will remain at £20/head right up until the event (unlike other tickets, which will rise by £10 each month). This is a 60% reduction on the overall expected cost per person.

    We hope this makes a big difference to many people hoping to enjoy the event!

    However, we realise that the cost may still be too high for some. If that's you, we'd strongly encourage you to contact us at network@justloveuk.com, and we'd love to speak with you about:

    • Extra Reductions

    • Free Tickets

    • Travel Bursary Support

    The £20 Concession Tickets are available to anybody for whom the standard prices would be a blockage to attending the event. Please do use this if you need to. Equally, please do pay the standard or donation price if you are able.

  • On the ticket form, you'll have an opportunity to indicate:

    • The rough area/region of the country you're coming from

    • Whether you'd be interested in lift-sharing/travelling with others

    • Whether you drive and would be willing to give a lift to others

    Nearer the time, we'll try to connect you with other people travelling to the event from the same area. In previous years, people have often shared lifts or booked trains/buses together!

    We also have a limited pot of money set aside for travel bursaries for those who need a bit of extra help getting to the event. You can fill in the travel bursary form here and we'll be in touch soon to confirm the amount of financial support Just Love is able to give. Decisions will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

  • As in previous years, we're able to provide a limited amount of free accommodation with trusted, friendly people in our networks. We'll be doing that again in Birmingham this year.

    This tends to include a bed for the night and potentially some breakfast in the morning.

    However, we ask that the majority of people try and find their own accommodation in the city, whether with friends, family or booking accommodation at a local hotel/hostel.

    If you are really struggling to find somewhere, and also can't afford paid accommodation, that's totally understandable. You can let us know and we can do our best to link you up with someone local!

    Applications for accommodation will open later in summer, and if you're successful you should be connected with your host(s) several weeks before the event. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.

  • Yes, definitely!

    There'll be snacks and refreshments served throughout the event!

    A catered lunch will be provided on Saturday lunchtime, included in your ticket price.

    On the Saturday evening, we have an hour to grab some dinner with others at the event - this won't be catered, but there are lots of excellent shops, cafés and restaurants nearby!

    If buying dinner out on the Saturday evening would be a financial issue that would stop you coming to or enjoying this event, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at network@justloveuk.com.

    Please also feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks to the event! However, if you bring anything that you prepared at home (e.g. a cake) that you'd like to share with others, please ensure to prepare it in a hygienic environment and bring a list of ingredients so that it's safe for those with allergies and other dietary requirements.

    Please make a plan for food on the Friday evening, as we won't be catering on the Friday evening this year. Thanks for your understanding.

  • No. Just Love is a registered charity and as such is not affiliated to any political party.

    People in the Just Love Network - and on the Just Love Staff Team - have a range of political perspectives and are members (or not) of a range of political parties, in the UK and elsewhere.

    Opinions expressed by speakers at the event, including party political opinions, are not to be taken as official Just Love lines or opinions.

  • We know it can be hard coming to a big event like this if you don't know someone going.

    Here are some things we'll put in place to make it that little bit easier:

    • Connect Café - we have a café area at the event that is a great space to meet new people and to network.

    • Sphere & Hub Time - there's time set aside in the programme on both days to meet with people who live in your area, who work in a similar field to you or who have an interest in similar topics and issues!

    • Saturday Evening Dinner Slot - we'll have 2 or 3 groups going to get dinner on the Saturday evening that are set up for those who want to meet new people and didn't come with a group! (We also expect many people will go with their Sphere or Hub, who they'll have met over the weekend).

    We also know that serving on the Event Team can be a great way to meet new people, build relationships and have lots of fun helping run the event. You would do 1-2 short shifts doing something like serving tea and coffee, welcoming people to the event, or helping with event photography.

    You can indicate on the ticket form if you're interested on being on the Event Team!

    We know we haven't always nailed this in the past, but we want to keep on getting better at making our spaces warm and welcoming. Just get in contact at network@justloveuk.com if you have specific questions or ideas!

  • It's absolutely fine if you can only come one of the days. That's not a problem at all.

    It's also fine to turn up later than the main start time, or to dip in and out of the event.

    We do think the whole thing is going to be great, and it's only once a year that we gather as a whole international Just Love Network, so we strongly encourage you to book travel early and make the most of this unique opportunity!

  • We are very close to confirming a venue. This venue is accessible in the following ways, and we'll be confirming the details soon.

    The venue has:

    • Wide doorways

    • Full wheelchair access across the venue

    • Wheelchair accessible toilets

    • A quiet area (separate room to the main space, but with an audio feed)

    • Hearing loop

    The venue does not have gender neutral toilets.

    We are interested to consider BSL or other signed provision, should this be needed by any guests.

    Please do let us know via the ticket form or at network@justloveuk.com of any specific accessibility needs you or those with you have. We can provide further information and open a conversation about how best to accommodate your needs.

  • Yes, we’d love that!

    Some things to bear in mind:

    • Please do bring your child(ren), but parents or guardians will have to be responsible for their children at all times. We regret that at this stage we are unable to provide kids work or childcare at this event, so one parent or guardian will need to be with their children at all times during the event. We know that providing childcare would be a blessing to many and hope to do so in the future!

    • There will be an area set aside to the back of the venue where parents/guardians and their children can hang out together, along with 1 or 2 Just Love volunteers to help support!

    • Please let us know in advance if you are planning to bring your child(ren), as we need to keep a record of numbers of children in the building, and it's just good for us to know.

    Please also let us know if your child(ren) have specific needs, and we can discuss how best to accommodate them. Thanks!

If you require any further information, please contact Kathryn, Tim, and Hannah at: network@justloveuk.com