What’s Next? | Careers Workshop

Join Just Love and Christians for Impact, to think through a meaningful career for the world’s good and God’s glory!

Got your next steps after uni all planned out? Or have no clue what’s happening next? This workshop is for you. Gather online with students across the UK to think about how we can pursue justice in our work, and serve humbly in our careers with our time, skills and capacity!

Key Information

This event is an online careers workshop, in partnership with Christians for Impact (CFI). On Monday, 17th of March, from 6pm-7.30pm, join us on Zoom as we learn from CFI and their expertise to think through what a meaningful career for the world’s good and God’s glory could look like for you.

What is the event about?

Often, work and volunteering are framed as being about ourselves. We are told to find employment that 'fulfills' us and is 'rewarding.' Whilst it's not a problem - it's also not the point. The point is others.

CFI is a Christian career advisory group that helps Christians consider how to best use their skills and discern careers with radical impact on pressing global issues. The workshop will include useful tools and frameworks, helpful advice, time for reflection, discussion and a Q&A at the end. Join us as we think through how we can live our lives laid down for Jesus in our work and steward our time, skills and capacity well.

Whether you’ve been part of Just Love or not, and whether you are just about to graduate or sticking around for another year or two, we'd absolutely love to see you and your friends there!

Sign up here!

Additional Resources

If you’d like to start thinking about this ahead of the event, check out CFI’s 10-minute career guide! It includes questions that will prepare you well for discussion questions in the workshop. You are not required to have read it before the workshop!

Also, check out CFI’s blog post What we mean by “impact”!