
Making Space

Just Love Retreats are a space to rest, reset, and build relationships. We're trialling four in 2024 and would love you to be involved.

Seeking justice is complicated and can be tiring. How do we keep ourselves going - and thriving - for the long haul? 

Just Love Retreats make space to reset physically, relationally, and spiritually. They are relaxed, informal spaces that prioritise depth, relationship and connection. Above all, they are about making space to breathe in deeply, so that we might breathe out again in radical, sustainable and impactful action in the world.

Upcoming Retreats

Here is a list of upcoming Just Love Retreats. You can also propose your own, vote on retreats that others have proposed, or just get together with others and organise your own unofficial retreats - don't wait for us!

19-21st of January, YWAM Harpenden

Change the System

Date and location TBC

Theology Retreat

Date and location TBC

Why Retreats?

Retreats are a new step for Just Love. Why are we doing them, and what impact are we hoping they will have?

From 2024, Just Love will de-centre its National Gathering and focus the energy on running small-scale, highly relational retreats and day events. We will still run an annual National Gathering, but our view is that much more real-world change is likely to arise from gathering in small, targeted spaces - whether to rest and reset, dive deep into specific issues, build relationship or a mix of all three.

At large gatherings for hundreds of people, it's impossible to meet the real needs and questions of everyone in the room. By gathering in smaller, more relational groups we can provide more content tailored to people in their specific contexts. 

Some retreats will dive deep into a topic or theme, creating intentional space for those interested in or working on a justice issue to dive deep together and move beyond surface-level conversations. Others will be designed for brainstorming and releasing action - spaces to gather in prayer, creativity, and problem-solving around a topic. Other retreats will simply create space to rest, build relationships, and reconnect at a core level with God and the call to justice.

We're so excited about these spaces, and want to know what retreats would serve you best. See our Retreats Shortlist, and vote on these options or suggest new ideas.

Finally, if you've got a good idea, don't wait for us! Feel free to connect with others in the Just Love Network and beyond, and set up your own informal retreats!